
Quality, researched-based content.

When I had vaginismus, I had nowhere to turn for quality resources. I want to change that.

Weekly Facebook live video trainings on relevant topics

Based on topics you chose and vote on for the week (all within the private facebook community). Check out the archive of trainings: “how to have a mind-body approach”, “how to build resilience”, strategic neuro-regulation techniques, & much more.

Vaginismus Unlocked Email Club

Sign up to receive quality resources, content, and education on all things vaginismus. You’ll also be the first to know about any discounts or sales. Unsubscribe at anytime!

How to apply a Mind-Body Approach to Vaginismus (free)

Many women who have found their vaginismus journey moving slowly or unsuccessfully find that a Mind-Body Approach is the missing link. Check out this guide (or my Vaginismus Program) for more info!

Dilator 101 Guide (free)

A all-you-need-to know guide about dilators and vaginal trainers including recommended brands, step-by-step self-progression guide, and what to do when you’re stuck.

How to increase arousal when intimacy isn’t optimal Guide (free)

Many women who experience pain, shame, fear, or frustration with sex also have a difficult time with finding pleasure. Which leads to a not-too-excited view of intimacy. This guide will help you learn 7 practical ways to increase pleasure with intimacy.

Guide to learning to love your vagina (free)

A guide to why your vagina isn’t showing up for you. Includes tips on building a healthy relationship with your vagina and stop the disassociation block.

Join the fun!

– A fun, free facebook community of other women healing from vaginismus.
– A library of video trainings
– Q&A
– A safe place to celebrate wins & successes
– Guides and handouts
– Love, encouragement, & support