The Mind-Body-Sex Reset Vaginismus Program

A unique approach to vaginismus

This program uses a neuroscience and neuroplasticity-based Mind-Body approach to vaginismus to target your body’s voluntary and involuntary systems. Because, well, since vaginismus is an involuntary lack of control of our pelvic floor muscles, we need to target the involuntary systems at play.

This unique program helps your brain and pelvis connect and communicate better so that pain-free sex is possible, enjoyable, and desirable!

Quotes from Real Clients:

Holistic & unique

“I thought this program would be the same stuff I had learned in my countless sessions of pelvic floor PT and sex psychotherapy. Now I realize how disjointed those approaches to my vaginismus were. I have learned so much about connecting my body and my brain together, and it has made all the difference in the world!”

Life Changing

“I want you to know that things changed for us in our marriage after we reached out to you. You, Jess, are the reason why we found a bright light at the end of the tunnel after trying everything”

Gets to the root of the problem

“After years of struggling, I’m one week in and had a break through! I finally understand where my vaginismus is coming from and how I can specifically heal from this! I can’t believe its only been one week!”


“I want to say thank you because your program truly is life changing! My husband and I were talking about how anytime I’ve ever tried I’ve never been able to get past the 4th dilator and so this is truly amazing! I’m two weeks into the program and I actually did the 5th one yesterday and I knew my body could handle going for the 6th one today and it went in so easily and felt great! So I just want to thank you like I’ve never been this encouraged and made this much progress so quickly!”

Program Details

A comprehensive researched-backed vaginismus recovery program called the Mind-Body-Sex Reset that can be taken from the comfort of your home!

This includes:

Vaginal training and desensitization (dilators and manual massage self-progression
A smooth dilator to PIV transition guide
Nervous system modulation & realignment
Cognitive behavioral training & reframing
Gradual & strategic integration with your partner
Orgasm and arousal training
A “What to do when you’re stuck” series for anxiety, pain, lacking motivation, and dilators.
Partner’s mini course so your partner can also feel supported, better support you, and learn more about vaginismus.
Mind-body-sex multi-sensory journaling experience with habit tracker.
12 (optional) weekly studies that break down harmful beliefs from Purity Culture and provide a healthy, biblical overview of sex, particularly women’s sexuality/
Member of a private Facebook group with other wonderful women in the program.
Group and individual coaching
and so much more!

Schedule a free consultation call

I love getting to connect with women from all over the world via consultation calls. These are free 30 minute Zoom calls that allow me to:

Connect with and encourage you in your journey
Explain more about what I can provide, including the various price points I offer.
See if you’re a good fit for this approach (not every women is, but many are!)
Women happy in bed with parter

This Program is Perfect for:

  • Couples who are just starting their vaginismus journey, as well as those who have struggled to get the results they’re looking for.
  • Determined and brave women who have been dilating & doing exercises for months or even years but your body wont let your husband in.
  • Those who have endured painful sex for years, like me, suffering through it without support and just feel stuck.
  • Couples who have been trying to work with healthcare providers with little progress or given advice that doesn’t mesh with your morals.
  • Women who have faced that challenges of purity culture and it’s complicated effects on your view of intimacy and sex.