What your pelvis wants you to know about your jaw.

Did you know that your jaw and pelvis are connected? It may sound strange, but recent research suggests that there is a strong link between tension in the jaw and tension in the pelvis. Understanding this connection can be a powerful tool in managing chronic pelvic pain and vaginismus.

The deep front line is a chain of muscles and fascia that connects the jaw and pelvis. This line plays an important role in maintaining posture, balance, and movement throughout the body. When tension builds up in one area of the line, it can cause pain and discomfort in other areas as well. It’s more well know that tension in the jaw can contribute to headaches, neck pain, and shoulder pain. But now we’re starting to see the link between tension in the jaw and pelvic pain and discomfort.

Many of us hold tension in our jaws without even realizing it, especially when we’re stressed or anxious. This tension can then travel down the deep front line and contribute to pelvic tension. Chronic pelvic pain affects up to 15% of women and 10% of men, and can be a debilitating condition that greatly impacts quality of life. While there are many factors that contribute to pelvic pain, understanding the role of the deep front line and the jaw-pelvic connection can be a helpful tool in managing symptoms.

It’s fascinating to note that the connection between the jaw and pelvis is not just functional, but also embryonic. During fetal development, the body develops from a single cell into a complex organism, with different parts of the body forming from different layers of cells. The deep front line, which connects the jaw and pelvis, develops from the same embryonic layer as the diaphragm, the heart, and the lungs.

This connection helps to explain why tension in one area of the deep front line can affect other areas as well. For example, tension in the diaphragm can contribute to neck pain, while tension in the jaw can contribute to pelvic pain. Understanding this connection can be helpful in managing chronic pain and discomfort, as it allows us to take a more holistic approach to healing.

Relaxing your jaw and pelvis

So, what can you do to help relax your jaw and pelvis? One exercise you can try is simply opening and closing your mouth slowly, while focusing on releasing tension in the jaw. You can also try gently massaging the jaw muscles with your fingertips, or using a warm compress on the area to help relax the muscles. You may notice that as you release your jaw, you find your pelvis relaxing as well. Interesting, isn’t it?

Mindfulness can also be a powerful tool in managing jaw and pelvic tension. Simply taking a few minutes each day to check in with your body, and notice any areas of tension or discomfort, can be a helpful first step. Try mindfully checking in with your jaw position or tension during more rote or stressful activities, like working at your computer or driving in traffic. You can also implement mindfulness with breathing, especially diaphragmatic breathing or meditation to help reduce overall stress and tension beyond the jaw throughout the body.

Myofascial release therapy is another great way to relax and release your deep front line. Myofascial release therapy a technique that can be used to address tension in the muscles and fascia of the body, including the jaw and pelvis. By applying gentle pressure to specific points in these areas, a trained practitioner can help release tension and promote relaxation. This can be especially beneficial for individuals experiencing chronic pelvic pain, as it can help to reduce tension in the deep front line and address the jaw-pelvic connection.

While more research is needed to fully understand the jaw-pelvic connection, there is evidence to suggest that addressing tension in the jaw can have a positive impact on pelvic pain and discomfort. By learning to relax your jaw, you can also help relax your pelvis, reducing overall tension in the deep front line. If you’re experiencing chronic pelvic pain, including vaginismus, it may be worth checking in with your jaw and exploring techniques like myofascial release therapy or mindfulness to help reduce overall tension in the body.


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