feel your feelings woman

How Feeling Your Feelings can Fuel Your Vaginismus Recovery

Living in a world dominated by individual progression, accomplishments, daily routines and demands, distracts us from the basic art of feeling our feelings. But what if unlocking this basic emotional skill could hold the key to alleviating whole body tension and even triumphing over conditions like vaginismus? There is an intricate interplay between the nervous system and suppressed emotions and how acknowledging and processing feelings can have profound impacts on our physical well-being.

The nervous system as a feeling regulator

The nervous system is a complex network of voluntary and involuntary workings that orchestrates communication between the body and mind. The stress-based sympathetic nervous system, often dubbed the “fight or flight” response, serves as a primal survival mechanism, preparing the body to confront threats by elevating heart rate, increasing blood pressure, and tensing muscles. The sympathetic nervous system is a crucial part of our every day functioning and it operates at various levels throughout the day. But when the sympathetic nervous system becomes dysregulated, it can result in body dysfunction. When suppressed emotions take root, they can trigger an overactive sympathetic response, leading to a perpetual state of low-lying tension.

Our bodies are like musical instruments, and emotions are the notes we play. Suppressing these notes creates dissonance, disrupting the harmony between body and mind. The tension of suppressed emotions sit in your nervous system at a subconscious level and can result in pain or dysfunction. When you allow yourselves to feel and process your emotions, the sympathetic response can recalibrate, resulting in reduced muscle tension and an improved overall sense of well-being.

Embracing the emotional side

Unlocking the healing potential of emotions begins with recognizing that feelings, whether positive or negative, are messengers, not enemies. Our feelings are guideposts, pointing us towards areas in our lives that need attention and understanding. Emotions like fear, anxiety, and sadness are often labeled as undesirable, leading many to suppress them. However, acknowledging these emotions, sitting with them, and investigating their origins can be transformative.

We are not just physical beings; we are emotional beings too. Ignoring our emotions is akin to silencing a part of ourselves, and this dissonance reverberates through our bodies.

The journey of feeling our feelings and exploring our emotions is not always easy. It demands vulnerability, patience, and a willingness to explore uncharted territories within ourselves. Yet, the rewards are undeniable—freedom from the clutches of tension and the prospect of reclaiming control over conditions like vaginismus. By reimagining emotions as allies rather than adversaries, we grant ourselves the power to heal, to transform, and to thrive.

In a world teeming with demands and distractions, it’s time to pause, listen, and truly feel.

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